The elementary library is staffed by Ms. Melissa Sears and Mrs. Cori Reeder.
Ms. Melissa Sears
Ms. Sears holds BA degrees in Elementary Education and Special Education from Doane College and a Masters degree in Instructional Technology with a Library/Media focus from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Along with being the Pre-K through 12 Media Specialist, she is also the Integration Specialist. She teaches library skills classes for third through sixth grade and can be heard reading awesome stories for kindergarten through second grade. In her spare time, Ms. Sears loves to watch television and movies, spend time with her two boys, and read, of course!
Mrs. Cori Reeder
Mrs. Reeder holds a degree in Dental Assisting. She co-teaches library and technology classes for the elementary and assists with both story time and library check out. She is the go-to-gal for any questions about the library. She spends a lot of her time cataloging, shelving, and beautifying the library. She is always quick with a friendly smile and a helpful attitude. Mrs. Reeder is an avid quilter and a master at all things sewing.
Ms. Sears and Mrs. Reeder are contributors to this blog and Ms. Sears also has a book review blog dedicated to Young Adult literature called YA Book Nuts. If you have any questions, you can contact them at and