Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emily's Review: Swindle

Title: Swindle
Author: Gordon Korman

From Shelfari, "After a mean collector named Swindle cons him out of his most valuable baseball card, Griffin Bing must put together a band of misfits to break into Swindle's compound and recapture the card. There are many things standing in their way -- a menacing guard dog, a high-tech security system, a very secret hiding place, and their general inability to drive -- but Griffin and his team are going to get back what's rightfully his . . . even if hijinks ensue. This is Gordon Korman at his crowd-pleasing best, perfect for readers who like to hoot, howl, and heist."

The book, Swindle, was a book I thought had mystery and suspense. The book showed friendship, trust, and dog loyalty. I recommend the book, Swindle, to readers who love to "break the law"! The main character is "The Man With A Plan". He gets his baseball card taken away by a swindler and has to work to get it back.

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